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I'm a big believer that there's no need to buy any clothes for a photo session. But it's important to choose the items from your closet wisely because what you wear does make a BIG difference. Here's some pointers to keep in mind: - Being comfortable is EVERYTHING. - Plan your outfits around what you know about the conditions at the location we’ll be shooting at. You’ll want to be warm enough (or cool enough!), have pain-free feet, and look relatively native to your environment. - Pick fabrics that move and flow with you. Natural fibers like linen, cotton, or wool are amazing. Avoid formal clothes as it’s very likely you’ll be moving around and will get dirty. Consider layers and small accesories. - Aim for neutrals and earthy tones, or complementary colors. For families it’s best to keep your color scheme limited to four colors. - Avoid large bold patterns. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Looking forward to meeting you and your family!!